How does everyone feel about the indigo quiz?

Thought it was great and a refreshing idea to have everyone at least attempt to understand the product/service.


Was a great way to drive engagement and get the community thinking - would be great to understand which questions people struggled with most!


Yes, I know more about the protocol than I did before. Great way of engaging people by incentivizing them.


Agree with most here, a great way to keep community engaged and help improve our knowledge. Just makes me more excited for the launch! :+1: :boom:

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Agreed - I enjoyed answering the questions and it’s another inventive way of getting the community involved. Although it’s only short it does a great job of highlighting the functionality of the project and describing the basic nuts and bolts of how it works.


I really like the idea. So everybody is engaged and can renew basic knowledge

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I agree with you. Even asking around to find answers is better than just having them given to you. No one really learns that way.


I like it, I like the engagement and interaction with the project :slight_smile:


I think the quiz is well-tailored. You need to go through the whole white paper and website to answer all questions. :+1:

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nice quiz a nice idea to keep the community engaged hope you do more so we can keep up with the protocol.


@NMumphreak thank you bro! Was looking all over, but still not a discord pro yet!
I really appreciate it!


No doubt adding to the sentiment… The quiz is the most helpful approach to learning the ins and outs of a foreign protocol and it helps that the creators are great at passing knowledge with out losing your attention… I want more quizzes… 5 to 7 question is a sweet spot for this old guy… #HAILPERNIS


I liked it. I think that it makes being part of the community feel more genuine in terms of potential airdrops. It wasn’t hard, but just basically answering, “have you been paying attention?” Wonder what comes after guru status? Maybe super-saiyan?


Call me Guru Nanak !!! Questions made me read all about the project.

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First time i have to learn more about this project…first try and i pass it…congraz team this is new way to make our community learn about this project…not only follow…vote and get some airdrop for the token that they dont know what the purpose of the token :+1::+1::+1:

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I thought it was a great idea and was helpful.

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I was nervous but I was excited and proud to earn Guru status. Also, shows me how thoughtful the Indigo team regarding building a fair and healthy community.

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The quiz was great :+1:t2: Good way to get to know if you understand the basics!


How do we know how many we got wrong?

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It told me immediately after submitting. If it told you that you are a guru then you got 100%