I’ve taken the indigo quiz, passed, and can say that it helped streamline my understanding of indigo for what it really is. What did you all think about it?
Thank you, Indigo team, for investing effort into ensuring that the community is knowledgeable on indigo basics.
I thought it was fairly straight forward but definitely had to double check some of my answers because I wanted to guarantee my guru spot lol. I do like any feature that incentivizes learning I will say that! Looking forward to taking this journey with all of you!
Definitely a bare bones baseline to make sure we all understand the protocol. Nothing too fancy, and I still got #5 wrong! At least it let me go back and try again, so now I’m a guru
Quiz was great idea. Making sure you have knowledgeable community behind your back is key.
To people who know it’s just a food for thought. And people have incentive to read in the docs.
I had major difficulties with opening quiz … But that was due to discords fault.
I enjoyed it and it made me feel part of the community to be honest…little things like this validate your involvement in a project by keeping everyone engaged and excited
This quiz was a great way to educate the potential “airdropped community” of indigo protocols, I personally enjoyed the quiz because I was able to consolidate my knowledge and earn the “Indigo Guru” title on discord.
#5 was the one I got wrong too The quiz was good, I was a little apprehensive before starting it as this is something completely new to me but I’m glad I’ve learned enough by reading the forum and Discord to pass the test. The video with Big Pey was also good for a better understanding of what Indigo are building, it is very innovative, a really good project.
The quiz was a good idea on ensuring the community know the basic goals of what Indigo is trying to accomplish. On the other hand great way to ensure the people that are here are here for the project. Definitely a unique method as a step for the Air Drop.