I have some thoughts on this airdrop and how it could flow better:
1 Those that qualify for an airdrop would provide their wallets & wallet addresses cannot change
2 They would get a percentage of their allocated INDY
3 To receive the rest of the INDY they would need to stake their first batch of INDY into SS via the pool Indigo would initially create/this can also help set INDYs price
4 The same wallet collected prior must contain the LP token
5 Must stake LP token for a specific period of time (up for discretion)
6 will receive the rest of their airdrop after time period ends- must be same wallet addresses
This is just a rough draft and me jotting down ideas as they come to me feel free to discuss/critique
I do like this idea, however, If i’m understanding this correctly, you’re saying that INDY would be in a LP, as an ADA/INDY pairing? If this is the case, i can see why some people may not be interested to have their assets locked for a specified time. Also, the risk of impairment loss may not appeal to some.
I think this or something similar is an excellent idea, it prevents people from dumping their tokens in the initial pump, and rewards those that hold for longer periods of time.
Good point. I wonder if sundae will have a V2 later this year in time for INDY V1 . I think sundaeswap is the best candidate to help . Their taste test model is something that can be tweaked and be useful
thiere must be a mechanism to stop dumping of tokens. simple rule is less token more demad = price sky rocket like LQ, but that is bubble more token will come in eventually and price to correct.
Hmm there are a couple of possibilities… One is Indigo allowing the staking of the LP tokens or partnering with VyFi or Liqwid and other protocols where they can stake those LP tokens and then accepting the NFTs (in case of VyFi) as proof of votability (if that is a word )! Thus allowing multiple leveraging of the token…
But I believe the team is looking into providing indy staking option. So those who stake the tokens will have incentive. Those who wants to cash out will anyways cash out…
I’m not against this whatsoever. For example AADA and GENS (genius yield) ISPOS have a 6 month - 1 year vesting period for their tokens. So it’s only fair to hold the feet of early holders of INDY to the fire.