What will you guys do when the app launches?

Nice one sir. Thinking the same way too. If I didn’t I’ll definitely hodl and stake for gain more $INDY :grin::fire::metal:t4::smiling_imp:

at which price would you consider to sell?

Consider this Is índigo valuable in the soon future? - #4 by aritotal

Get my hands on all the indy i can afford.


$S&P 500

$TSLA ( to the moon!)

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So many things to do, minting iAssets, providing LP, staking LP on Indigo, depositing iAssets in stability pool etc etc

I will buy some Indy and stake it.
Once confortable, i will try to mint an iAsset and try a 3x or 4x yield opportunity

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The new idea of the stability pools caught my attention. I’ve staked and yield farmed in LPs in the past. But this was a new concept that excited me about its potential returns.

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Farming Farming Farming


Im with you on stocks and copper👍

I plan on staking Indy, minting iassets and providing them to a stability pool, and liquidity pools. Still learning shorting and long concepts but I get the idea. But I want to get on your level with materials such as silicon, steel and copper and learn more.

I have also tried yield farming on Sundaeswap, Minswap and, to a much smaller extent, Wingriders - and I think overall I’m down due to IP (huge in one case) and not helped by the inexorable drop in value of Sundae and Min. I’ve dabbled and I think that I’m done with yield farming but much more interested now in the stability pools.

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What is the APY for staking?

I will likely buy $Indy and stake. With other items, I think I will be doing a lot of research! Should be fun!!!

I’ll be looking for iBTC early on, staking my iasset and staking my $INDY, and letting that run for a period of time and hopefully I’ll see some nice yield

Maybe even iADA and iERG as they are my primary holds at the moment so why not keep it all in a nice circle of yields and holds? Will be interesting to see what options become available

Looking to use INDY and iAssets with its multi yield capability. Looking to eventually have the ability to use 5x strategies!