Sundae V3 INDY/ADA pool fee adjusted to 0.3% for Buy and 1% for Sell

An open discussion to gauge sentiment only.


As i said in the discord i think the good balance for buyers and LPs could be a 0.3% for BUY fees and 1% for SELL fees. The same model is active in ADA/MIN pool in Minswap V2 and the team that made this proposal there came to this conclusion after studying and presenting very good data.


I did not even know that it is possible. Sounds like a good idea to me :wink:


It’s a win win! Yes for me


How Indigo DAO can act on Minswap or Sunday swap LP fees and What would be the expected outcome ?

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I know that on minswap there is a fee sharing pilot program with Snek and that part of the fees (0.20%) will do directly to snek protocol, if this succeeds and i think it will, Indigo should be ready and benefit from this as well. Don’t know if on Sundae have something like this.


I created this discussion in response to @Gera and @JamesCarther suggesting in Discord that we change the INDY/ADA LP swap fees on Sundae from 0.3% to 0.3% for Buy and 1% for sell orders. The Idea is to incentivize holding and staking while adding a slight disincentive for selling.

I mentioned then that the PWG controlled this pool and that we could change those fees if the DAO wanted us to. This is where I made a mistake. When Sundae V3 launched Pi helped me set up a few different pools so that the PWG could act as fee managers and adjust fees as we see fit. We created the 3 iAsset/iAsset pools along with an ADA/iUSD and Indy/iUSD pool. I thought we created an ADA/INDY pool at that time but in the chaos of it all I completely missed creating that pool. I actually thought we did create that pool when I said PWG controlled that pool. So my mistake and I do apologize for the confusion.

That 890K TVL ADA/INDY pool currently on Sundae, was created by someone else and no fee manager was declared at creation. This means that liquidity pool has a fee that can never be changed and will always remain 0.3% for buys and sells.

The sort of good news is, I was finally able to create a new ADA/INDY pool with fees at 0.3% buy and 1% sell. PWG can act as fee manager for this new pool and we can change fees as we see fit. The bad news is it’s going to be difficult to convince that 890K TVL worth of liquidity providers to migrate to this new pool.

This pool does have better fee rewards for liquidity providers which is a good selling point. It is also possible that we could send some Indy rewards to that pool to incentivize the switch if the DAO wanted. Otherwise Ill do my best to get the word out and if anyone knows any Sundae or INDY whales, it may be worth mentioning to them that there is finally a PWG controlled pool with more attractive fees.


Ty for your time and work, saw that new pool recently and yes it will be difficult for sundae delegators to change to the new pool, let’s keep trying in sundae discord maybe a pin message on sundae site or a tweet from PI could help if PI agrees ofc for more visibility. Putting some Indy rewards or migrate the current rewards to the new pool gradually will help too.


TY for putting effort into this. Currently I do not LP Indy but still good strategy I assume. One thing that worked when moving to V3 contracts on Sundae was moving rewors from V1 to V3 pools by decision. Perhaps worth trying to ask Pi if something like that would be possible here - announcing that all rewors are shifted to the new pool which for sure would assure TVL transfer. It is not the same situation though and not sure if it is in line with the ethos. Would be great to work out some strategy how to support such changes. For sure user less frequently checking would be annoyed by this. Perhaps good to wait for the development first, it seems some whales might move organically. You could also reach out to Elder Millenial about his fee management tool that he planned setting up for the pools with highest TVL. He could not for INDY because of the missing fee manager. So he could put it on board again if he plans to proceed (got stuck somehow it seems).