Just an idea to match investor intentions and risk with the longevity and betterment of the peg.
Option a. Open cdp to mint and iusd cannot be sold, only option is to put into a stability or liquidity pool.
Rmr and interest would be more dovish than
Option b.
Cdp owner selects a more free and potentially riskier approach by minting with the freedom to do whatever they may please with iusd.
Rmr and interest rates for this would be higher
This way we separate those who are causing depeg from those who are supporting peg and the price to play makes sense.
This will be a true strengthing incentive to do right by iusd and allow cdp owners to have a more justified rate and longevity and to be able to capture iusd staking rewards with greater profit. It rewards loyalty to the protocol and to the iusd peg and also invites more conservative players to particpate in cdps.
And those who disregard the peg and iusd will need to pay accordingly.