Poll to whitelist SundaeSwap ADA/iUSD LP token

That video has nothing to do with Sundae Swap. Sundae Swap isn’t a scam, its a working DEX.


For what it is worth I vote yes for Sundae swap, a competent and young team and one of the first decentralised exchanges on Cardano. I have listened to Pi on multiple occasions and found him a genuine and capable individual.

It is unfortunate they didn’t have correct legal / paperwork / procedures etc in place early on which has has lead to the current disagreement. A misunderstanding between two parties perhaps due to inexperience the matter is now being addressed using the correct legal process.

These things happen and is being dealt with by the court, it does not mean Sundae are are bad/dodgy team or not to be trusted.


the community driven content is what I was referring to. Community needs to listen to its people.

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I think what you meant to say is “people should listen to me”. We are just as much part of the community as you.


Ha! I like that. Thanks

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44 tx in 2 weeks… only 1k iusd… the community spoke with their $$$ leading up to this, and these numbers tell me SundaeSwap liquidity tokens do not deserve integration into the Indigo Protocol.


I’m going to stop replying to you because you don’t want to have a discussion. I see that you flagged my last message. So let’s keep it civil and community driven. I’ll just listen to what you have to say and not respond.

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Don’t know who you are but DAM!

How you feel about Muesliswap? they also have a poll. They are OG Dex and continue innovating.

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You going to ignore the rest of the listings on SundaeSwap? Cherry picking data is not useful. And frankly, neither of the proposed DEXes have useful levels of liquidity on them for any of the iAssets anyway, not Minswap, nor WingRiders, just look at the slippage you’d induce using any of them with small amounts of $ADA. The whole point of these proposals is to incentivize people to provide liquidity, and this helps the protocol immensely to retain the peg and liquidity of its iAssets. It is indisputable that SundaeSwap is a liquidity and trading hub for many users.


I didn’t flag anything my position is Sundae Swap isn’t a scam because someone lost money making investments.


Voted yes, Just like few days ago as Indigo and Sundaeswap Lab worked together to sort out rewards system, I believe these kind of collaboration will help grow cardano ecosystem in general.


Its not cherry picking, the proposal that we are having this conversation in is literally about white listing this exact liqudity pool tokens of SundaeSwap for ada/iusd.
There have been more votes on this proposal than actual trades for this pair on the exchange, but yet we are going to reward this kind of “activity”?
Okay. Cool.


I don’t think you read beyond the first 2 sentences of what I said.

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Oh no, i did but it makes no sense.
You want to maintain a peg of an iasset then you concentrate what tiny bit of liquidity cardano defi has into a few places, instead of stretching it across any and every protocol that has swaps on main net.
If Sundae Community was so adamant about getting this pairing WL, they would put their money where their mouth is and fill that pool, regardless of incentives.
Minswap and Wingrider’s communties did.


I apologize if you did not flag me.

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I can’t use either of those DEXes beyond arbitrage opportunities, they might as well have not bothered at all. SundaeSwap is the 3rd DEX by TVL, only just behind WR, and MuesliSwap only just behind Sundae. I voted in favor of MuesliSwap for the same reason I voted in favour of Sundae, the liquidity and users are there, whether you like it or not it is of great benefit to Indigo to incentivize liquidity, of which there is currently next to none on every DEX in Cardano. These proposals are tackling this issue, and tribalism will hurt Indigo, failing to realize this is intellectually dishonest.

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Conflict of opinions is healthy as it leads to reasonable outcomes. Let’s focus on what’s best for Indigo. Make your case for either yes or no, then let the community decide.


My guy. It’s not tribalism, it’s about the numbers. Sundae had the exact same amount of time as everyone else to pull in some liquidity for the pool and the Cardano community as a whole only contributed 1k iusd… :pinching_hand:

We still have Meld, Vyfi, Genius, Axo, Occam, and everyone else about to come online “soon”. There will be plenty of time to dilute the “incentives”. This isn’t the last ever proposal. Ive said my piece and will let the on chain voting finish this conversation. Enjoy your day friend.

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thank you for letting us have healthy discussions. Appreciate you and the team and what you have done. Been with you guys since the start and you are doing GREAT!


May I ask, are you in favor of incentivizing iUSD and / or iBTC on MuesliSwap?

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