Multiple assets within one iAsset

The only requirement for a token to be deemed a stablecoin is stability, i.e. low volatility. There’s no requirement for a stablecoin needing to be pegged to fiat. This just happened to be the first iteration of stablecoins. The next iteration of stablecoins will include non-fiat pegs.


Bundled iAssets of different commodities feels kinda similar to futures backed commodity funds in stocks, wonder if some parallels can be drawn.


Good old Wikipedia. It’s always great reading out there.

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Well yes! It can be done. It would be called an index… Similar to tradFi legacy one like S&P 500, DowJones… They do the same thing.

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Don’t get it, what do you mean?

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Good idea! A basket of assets brings greater security to investors, as their risk is diluted. Another advantage is the possibility to create asset basket categories such as: metaverse, nfts, games, data management, payments, lending, etc.


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Down the Rabbit hole I go. This project is shaping up nicely.

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We can made some mutual fund using indigo? looks interesting.


It’s interesting idea!

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is it possible to build a mutual fund on indigo?

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It wouldn’t be a mutual fund per se, it’d be a DAO traded fund (DTF). MLabs has proposed a solution for DTFs.

Indigo wouldn’t provide this ability itself, but you could take the iAssets from Indigo and put them into a basket that acts as an index.


Interesting. I just read MLabs proposal for DTFs, the usage of iAssets seems to be endless. Great project, thanks for sharing!

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I think another advantage of having different stablecoins is that their value will be determined by underlying assets from different sectors of the market. Users could turn to a specific stablecoin if their underlying assets are outperformed in current market conditions, as was mentioned earlier with the example of commodities in an inflationary situation. This would lead to greater adoption of Indigo Protocol becouse it would allow greater flexibility in investment strategies.


This is interesting and needs some further thought. Onboard!

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thank you. love it. endless opportunity

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Potential use cases for iassets are seemingly endless😲

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As a foreigner, as a foreigner whose native language is not English, it is not easy to understand the terms synthetic asset or iAsset, but I still feel that I am making progress step by step through learning. I want to say thank you very much to the Indigo community.


Yeah it will be kind of an index. it can be done.

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Will it be possible to ‘monetize’ an iAsset ? I think it would be useful for people who create indexs. This way they can earn a portion of the locked value of an iAsset (e.g. 0,1%-0,2% ). In my opinion this feature would value the effort of the ones who take the time to create a good and representative index of a specific industrie, sector or a mix of promising cardano projects.

Let me know your thoughts on this idea

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Its complicated for us native speakers as well!

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