I’m doing my homework on stablecoins, and was wondering if the community could help me understand, what are the key differences of iUSD vs Djed, key use cases and advantages? Why would I use iUSD over Djed, and vis-versa?
For instance, I believe I would use iUSD for more of DeFi to get a CDP, and have price exposure to long, short, and get stability pool liquidations. Also, the CDP underlying ADA can be staked in the meantime. The risk might be, liquidation if my collateral position is too low.
However, I would use Djed more as a pure stablecoin, trading my Ada for Djed (COTI stakes it). I would potentially have SHEN for reward exposure, but not necessarily have “DeFi” reward exposure. However, advantage may be the collateral for Djed is 400-800% so it may be a safer option.
Feedback welcomed. Thanks.