5% of the outstanding mint of IUSD in the redeemable zone would allow for a 95% discount on interest for everyone. this is about 340k iusd for now.
is it possible to start a cdp funded by the dao or even some volunteers to hit this target? gather enough ada to mint 400k iusd in the redeemable zone and hit the discount for everyone.
the minted iusd would need to be used in a way that all of the volunteers or the dao would agree to and of course benefit from through rewards or capital gains.
perhaps just use the iusd in a lp, sp or potentially even sell it for some other aggressive investments, perhaps more ADA or CNTs like INDY. This way the IUSD minted can be put to good use and provide opportunity to add value while going for the discount.
For now IUSD is at peg and redemptions should not be too painful if any. And the cdp could always be unwound with some sort of parameters, IE buy back the IUSD or burn the IUSD if IUSD hits X price per ADA, or if IUSD is at X% of a discount to peg.
This way the IUSD could always be burned enough to stay in the clear if risk becomes too great, ie there is a large depeg or some other risk arise.