The Addition of iGold/iSilver as Assets

charli3 is up and working we just need to pay for the oracle feed! they can handle the data demand

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Is that true? Since when? Where did you hear that? Last I heard they were not interoperable with Indigo. Support told me to wait for an announcement about a partnership between Charli3 and Indigo. That was a while ago. Do you have updated information?

I like this idea too and would support this initiative to get the opportunity to invest in Gold and Silver via the Indigo!

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people still paper trade these

go ask in the charli3 discord and telegram! please do research and donā€™t always believe what come out of some people mouth

Thatā€™s my whole point.

Iā€™ve already had extensive conversations with Charli3, some of which is posted here in this forum. Last I heard, they werenā€™t an available option for an oracle on Indigo. If you make a claim, it is perfectly reasonable for someone to ask you to substantiate it. Requiring evidence is precisely the opposite of believing what comes out of your mouth. So my question to you is, do you have any new information to validate the claim that Charli3 can provide an oracle for Indigo?

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Why can we not use Chainlink data oracles in the meantime we wait for a native Cardano oracle? It seems that Indigo is using Chainlink oracles for the IAssets we have now. Or am I missing something?

There has been a lot of conversation about oracles in the discord. The link sums up the basic message from Indigo as of now.

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Did you speak to them today?

I did. I spoke to the person who pinned that message. There is some trepidation regarding regulatory clarity of certain assets, which I knew already, but ultimately the decision to add iAssets is a collective one made by DAO. At this point, the oracle problem is the big hinderance to progress.

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sec is what holding back crypto

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I would love to see iGold ana iSilver too.

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Hello Indigo community!
Year and 3 months have passed since this discussion startedā€¦
What has been done to make possible iGold? Maby some update from team would be niceā€¦
When iGold?

*I want to have price exposure in decentralized gold! (not redeemable froms 3rd party, not in 3rd partys custody, unconfiscatable, uncensored)

**iGold is great for any country with high monetary inflation (most countries), to have value held in moderatly volatile iGold and earn interest (SP INDY rewards), rather then in volatile crypto or depreciating government currencies.

I think You greatly underapreciate iGoldā€™s potencial impact on protocol, othervise team would move faster in implementing it

Have a nice day

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