Poll to delay LP token staking rewards

Sorry that you’re experiencing this error, it’s an unfortunate user experience. However, this particular bug isn’t related to the Indigo codebase and thus cannot be fixed by the Indigo team. The governance module was tested before launch. It’s to be expected that new software products will contain bugs, this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Even if we did catch this bug during testing we wouldn’t have let it delay launch because it could mean a potential delay of several months (since again it’s not something we are in control of).

For the LP token staking, we have more than enough time to test the implementation. This is a matter of whether users want more time to stake their LP tokens so they can take advantage of the opportunity of joining the group that earns 959 INDY. The downside is that we potentially compromise the Indigo DAO governance system to give users this opportunity (that everyone has already known about well in advance since it’s published in the Indigo paper). By delaying it potentially financially disadvantages those who’ve taken on risk in anticipation of the scheduled launch. Additionally, it further delays deep liquidity for iAssets which could lead to continued volatility and price depegs.

The LP token staking feature is now live on Indigo preview, so everyone can test it themselves. I still think it’s wise to stick to the original schedule. There’s practically no benefit of delaying just to more evenly distribute a small amount of INDY, especially when considering how we’ve seen the stability pool rewards play out it probably won’t make any difference whatsoever.


No, LP of only iAssets is stakable.

appreciate you and the team. thanks again for chiming in and letting the community know the pros and cons.

I think as a middle ground what we can do is not delay the rewards but just have a single snapshot for the first epoch instead of five snapshots. That way rewards will begin on the 21st as planned, and it gives users over 5 full days to get their LP tokens staked.


That seems like a good idea, there is always some issues when everyone is trying to pile in at the same time.