Cons of an At-Launch Airdrop (Not a Pre Launch)

Agreed. I think a majority will vote for an at-launch drop. Although I think splitting into 3 distribution stages would tick all boxes. 65% at launch for early community. 25% for various twitter/discord participation/competition rewards and then 10% for more serious community participation (educational material creation, forum articles, helpful discord members etc.) or some variation.


I think at at-launch drop will make people have ā€œskinā€ in the game and more likely to be more involved with the project and DAO. Sure some people will sell but those who hodl will be more involved in the community.


Yes greĆ t pĆ³ints. Also it should awarded on the basis of contribution to the discord and forum from now till atleast launch.

Taking as a parameter what happened with Aneta, where many entered only through the airdrop and there was not the engagement expected by the project (which is being corrected now), my opinion is that there should be a gradual release due to loyalty, as if a Status level elevation from the first engages over time.

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earlier we have them, earlier people can adopt. just my 2 cents.


Valid points, I do think at-launch would be something Iā€™d like to see.

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some of them will sell some of them will hold no matter what kind of airdrop. just keep on the great job and attract more people by providing benefit for those holder and potential holder

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I think your point 2 is so relevantā€¦. Look at Meldā€¦ fantastic projectā€¦ totally amazing but dumped because token had no utility at launchā€¦. Indigo really has to think this hard and fast because same result could result if same action


Yes. The price of the Meld token has no link to utility yet, so the price can be totally decoupled from how awesome the project is. I think little more utility early on would definitely have helped. Meld will do great things and the price will eventually reflect thatā€¦just not now. I think a token at launch (and full utility) will definitely be good for Indigo and price! As for a post-launch airdropā€¦thatā€™s debatable. Iā€™m biased but there are good reasons for either option.

You made a key point in having some utility (either stated upfront or current utility) to the token when distributed in keeping people involved with the project and hodl the token when they see utility to the token.

Tokenomics looks very interesting. Surely a proper thought behind this.


My concern is that in order for the Indigo platform to survive, we need actual participation of the protocol. That means we people to provide Liquidity on DEXā€™s such as Minswap and Sundae and take those LP tokens to Indigo. We need people to mint iassets with ADA and stable coins to mint iassets , and stake their Indy on the protocol and stable pools. If people are not participating at launch, then the protocol can be at risk. We need measures to ensure this does not happen.

To realize this strategy, I think the most important thing is to make a small but strong community before launch together.

Strong community collaboration is very important for any project.
It is also important to share the progress of the periodic project.
Combining these two with capital strength, it seems that there will always be a strong market interest.

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Thank you everybody for the feedback. Weā€™ve taken all these thoughts into consideration and are moving forward with a community vote for an at-launch vs post-launch airdrop. If you have any more idea youā€™d like to discuss youā€™re all welcome to open a new topic.