Community vote - Indigo protocol mascot

We are voting to find out winner :disguised_face:
:space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader:


@cdccc I understand we are voting on a winner. Let me try to clarify. Is the winner’s design the final design or will there be additional tweaks once the winner is picked? ie. @wawa design is good but not indigo, @Kasper would make for cool 3D NFTS, but the logo is not recognizable in smaller images and does not scale well, @AV13 I like the idea of METAmorphosis (not to be confused with META/FB), but in my opinion, needsmore work to its arrangement and font. @pepeka I like the “third eye” look and it tells me the company deals with crypto, but using 3 other company logos to do so. @Rune is aesthetically pleasing and draws my attention to the Indigo logo and could also make good NFTS.


They all look amazing, it was a tight run between Pepeka and Kasper for me. But I went with Pepeka art because of the liveliness and vibes it gives me.


Kaspers looks great but might be a bit too complicated. I voted for wawa because of the simplicity, but would have liked to see it in a different color more towards the current indigo logo


Thank you! I’m glad folks are digging the Genius bot design so much!
I’m fan of your mascot design for Indigo!
It’s got a the cool clean animal design I’m all for! :+1: :fox_face:


I selected the indigo butterfly as butterflies are sometimes considered a symbol of memories, each one beautiful, accurate and unique! Also, butterflies themselves though fragile are remarkably resilient and possess great stamina!


Thanks mate! I think I could have done better though :slight_smile:


Yeah, I can change that. I was so excited when I made it I mixed up the colours.


Looks good. Like a lot of them.


Hey thanks for your elaborate feedback! I will certainly keep it in mind in future designs and drawings. About the scalability could you be a bit more precise in what you mean? Sorry for not completely understanding, I am sure you don’t mean zooming in or image size… (The original’s are obviously lager in resolution etc. the version here just for posting on the forum) Can I explain a bit why I made some choices?

I can understand what you are saying about the logo, it was something where I tried a lot of different options. Ultimately I wantend something that’s there but not taking all the attention. I came up with having a superman like logo on indigo-birds chest.

For personal me a mascot is a figure like a big furry character at a football team, you know that mascot belongs to that team because of it’s looks, not only by it’s logo alone. It is connected as a character to a brand or logo. That’s why I went for a more elaborate design where I was influenced by more then just the indigo logo, the geometric 3D design is something indigo uses in the background of their logo on their medium article for instance.


@Kasper that bird is great


@Indigooo1 gets my vote, the Indigo eye suits the mysterious sea creature very well!


Heey mate! HAHAHAHA cool man I am connecting the dots now. did not recognised you by name immediately. Good to see you here!!!


I don’t know if this was discussed in an earlier thread. It seems to me that there is already a logo and we are voting on a mascot and not on another logo/mascot. If this is the case I agree with @Kasper, “For… me a mascot is a figure like a big furry character at a football team, you know that mascot belongs to that team because of it’s looks, not only by it’s logo alone. It is connected as a character to a brand or logo”. That being the case I like the concept of @fito and the “Iniboos” though I might change the name to IndiGoGo’s. (In my brain I keep saying “Indi-boobs”. ) See and hear accompanied info.

  1. There is already a unique logo design with a “one eye” ie. “third eye?”
  2. Indigo is purple (let the debate rage on)
  3. @fito 's concept can be made into an actual mascot and into a series of (hopefully) multi-use utility NFT’s.

What I mean by scalability is more readability. The image is unreadable at a lower size. If we are deciding on a “bird”, (maybe phoenix?) as a mascot, and then, your design would be for a series of NFT’s I might vote for you. I’ve been struggling with this, as there is already a logo, and many of my thought go to logo design, this therefore makes me lean to the mascot concept of @fito See my other comment.


It was not discussed i think the spirit of the previous thread was more on letting the community brainstorm a mascot, although in my proposal post i did cover the topic of branding and making an nft collection. I said that using the third eye logo allowed use to stick to the branding of the team and that we could use numbers or letters like the indigo team allready does on their discord to further customize an nft collection.

I assume you have some experience on graphic design or marketing? When i was thinking of ideas i was following a similar train of thought as yours.


I am an actor/artist by trade. Please take this in the spirit is intended, I think your entrée is one of the least pictures aesthetically, but it is one of the best concepts that could become MEMEingful. I like the simplicity of the design that can be easily adored with accouterment to accommodate NFT’s.


Thanks for your reply. I don’t think anything was said about anything really, just come up with a cool mascot. I think that has been a succes, all are good idea’s and designs I think.
The only thing I sad was how I came to my design, and what I think of when you say mascot haha. There was nothing discussed indeed, having said that I think that is really cool. Because in my opinion it leaves a lot of freedom for the artist in making design choices.
Anyway I really enjoyed participating. Really nice initiative.


I definitively missed the mark with the aesthetics of my design, i was not even sure of posting it, however i did take on account stuff like readability, the posibility of getting it animated (indigo is getting into the metaverse so a design compatible with 3D modelling was a concern) and also as you say accommodate to NFT’s current trends, speciall the generative collections.

I’m actually glad that despite the failure this things i took into account actually were visible for someone.


@cdccc I am the [sic] winer (whiner) i.e. WINNER! Just so you know, LOL!